Sleep Apnea & Snoring Solutions!
Discover the warning signs of Sleep Apnea by getting a free chapter to Dr. Williams new book, Reason to Smile: 11 keys to your best oral health ever.
"It's unreal how it's changed my life." - Laura W., Utah
Do you snore or have sleep apnea?
Do you feel “tired” throughout the day?
Does your partner complain of your condition disturbing their sleep?
An Oral Appliance May Be Your New SOLUTION! (And it’s proven to be much more comfortable than a CPAP or surgery)!
A Better Night’s Sleep, GUARANTEED! (Or you’ll get an alternative appliance from us, absolutely FREE of charge!)
Sleep apnea and snoring can be bothersome during the night and can rob you of energy during the day. In short, sleep apnea is a nightmare and we want to help you improve your well being with our comprehensive services at Pinecrest Dental!
“Smile Damage Done To Teeth To An Actual Patient WITHOUT Him Even Knowing It!
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder marked by interruptions and pauses in breathing during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by obstructions in the airway, such as the tongue rolling back in the throat or collapsed tissues in the airway. Untreated sleep apnea can contribute to several serious health conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and liver problems.
Sleep apnea must be diagnosed by a sleep physician. We recommend that you talk to your dentist, as well as your doctor, if you suffer from the symptoms of sleep apnea. Common signs of sleep apnea include:
- Extreme drowsiness during the day
- Personality changes and irritability
- Difficulty staying asleep
- Snoring
- Awakening with a very dry or sore throat
- Frequent morning headaches
Sleep apnea treatment may depend on the severity of the condition. If you suffer from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, our dentist may recommend an oral appliance. The oral appliance works to treat obstructive sleep apnea by fitting over your teeth and keeping your airway open while you sleep. It can work by preventing the tongue from blocking the air passage or by holding your jaw in a position that prevents airway blockages during sleep. For more information on sleep apnea treatment, we welcome you to call or visit our dental practice today. We are committed to helping you improve your health!
We can help your partner avoid this!
Sleep Apnea Appliance Warranty
Take Your Instant Sleep Self-Assessments now!
(Then bring in a copy to Dr. Williams, or text it to (801) 981-4374)
If you haven’t within the past year, please add score yourself on these two tests:
STOP BANG Questionnaire
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Then, take a screenshot of both and email the results with your name and best contact phone number to: Then we’ll provide you with a complementary analysis to discuss if further evaluation is right for you!
Bonus offers this month only*, included with a fully customized sleep solution!:
Bonus Offer #1 – Dinner On Us At Texas de Brazil ($25 Value)
Bonus Offer #2 – Receive A 5-minute Teeth Whitening For ONLY $99 ($135 value)!
Bonus Offer #3 – Free 1-2 Year Warranty On Your New Appliance!
Act now because this offer expires soon, and it will go fast! Our best reservations are filling up fast! We have 0% payment options, call today for details (801) 503.0035