Periodontal Disease Therapy

Periodontal Disease Therapy

The truth about Gum Disease revealed, inside this FREE chapter from Dr. Williams new book. Reason to Smile: 11 keys to your best oral health ever.

We now offer Perio Protect treatment in our office!

If your gums are sore, redder than usual, or bleed easily, you may suffer from gum disease. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to a variety of health and dental problems. If you suffer from gum disease in Taylorsville, Utah, we invite you to contact our team at Pinecrest Dental to receive treatment. Dr. Tyler Williams can visit with our about our treatment options to help you find the care you need. Schedule your next appointment with our experienced dentist today!


Gum (periodontal) disease is caused by a bacterial infection that hides below your gums. Dental cleanings treat the bacteria, but each day the cycle often continues as bacterial cells grow back in just hours after a cleaning, and toothbrush, rinse and floss can’t reach deep enough into the pockets to address the infection at home.


The Perio Tray is comfortable, flexible, and custom-fit precisely for your mouth. These trays gently and effectively apply medication deep underneath your gums to fight periodontal infections and bone loss. You will use these trays at home for just minutes each day to treat the disease and improve the health of your mouth so you can keep your teeth and smile!


With Perio Tray therapy, you have a new chance against the infections. In addition to healthier gums, our patients commonly report whiter teeth and fresher breath. If you’ve been told that you have gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis), ask our team if Perio Trays are right for you today!


Q: Will periodontal “deep cleaning” and scaling be painful?

A: Typically, our patients experience some mild sensitivity afterward, but it is rare to experience severe pain or discomfort that prevents you from doing most of your daily activities, eating and speaking. We will numb up your gums and teeth to maximize your comfort. We also offer sedation and “laughing gas” (nitrous oxide) to add even more comfort if you desire. Our office is equipped with the latest technology and we even have headphones with music or movies for our added convenience, just ask!


Q: When and what can I eat afterward?

A: Read our full guide on aftercare here.


Q: What if I wait on having my deep cleaning?

A: We are here to help you proceed with care at a pace you are comfortable with. We find that most gum surgery can be avoided if we act within a few weeks of diagnosing the condition. Delaying “deep cleaning” gum care generally results in more lost teeth, lower success rates, possible surgery and expensive replacement down the road. The best options ”never hurt less or cost less than they do today!”



Dental services provided by Dr. Williams

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